Emily Sparkle

Letter of Recommendation

Paul Graham himself had been spending three to four hours per day simply moderating hacker news, in addition to all of his duties running Y Combinator.

He confessed it was harder than running a VC fund. Emily does the same for the largest WordPress community Discord server, discord.gg/wordpress.

It is no 🤏🦶.

WordPress Chat is home to some talented (and less talented, we all started somewhere) developers, designers, and other WordPress enthusiasts and professionals. We are a bunch of people trying to make a livelihood with free & open source software.

Emily has a calming presence and natural respect among not-always socially graced programmers. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a cool bunch, but weird and hard to herd. Her ability to moderate a stereotypical boys club is undeniable proof of her social skills.

While she is not a programmer, she is well-versed in making websites in WordPress. I testify her websites are good enough for 90% of small businesses. It is not that difficult, she can do the job agencies ask 2k/month for.

Plus that girl is on a first-name basis with 2-10 people who are WordPress core contributors. There are some folks in WP Chat with qualifications that put them in the top 5% of WordPress developers. You want that.

If you want to see my credentials, we manage SEO for 200,000 WordPress websites, therefore I hope my word means something when I say she is way more effective than me. The differentiator between me and her is the fact she also manages a full family. Kid, husband, boyfriend… you read that right, she voluntarily has multiple partners and is still sane.

What puts her ahead of slick young hustle porn dickheads selling you their ability to sell is the fact she doesn’t sell you. And I think that is her major shortcoming, just too humble for her own good.

Who do you think I am writing this for? You.

She is currently maintaining websites using WooCommerce and trust me, that is like trying to maintain a tank while it is driving over Ponton Bridge while on fire.

WooCommerce can be tricky, we run it at theseoframework.com and it isn’t always fun… Even with a couple of products. I can pretty much guarantee Emily can run a Shopify store for you as well.

I know she is a good mom, likes to sing, and runs a decoration store. I would 100% hire Emily to make and maintain my website if that wasn’t my day job as well.

She lives in the USA, I am from Europe. We never met. Yet, I am confident enough in her abilities that I wrote her my first and only recommendation letter.

If you think I am padding her CV, don’t.


Pierre LeBaux
Don.gl/e author

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